Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Honey : Sweet Diet

Honey, almost everyone likes it because of the sweet taste and it’s beneficial. You will get some advantages if you consume it. Keeping your metabolism system is one of the function. On the other hand, honey protects us from free radicals which are now blamed not only for making you look old, but also making you fat. One kind of honey which is preferred for those who are on diet is honey of Mango. It has a bit dark colour than honey of Randu which has brighter brown colour. Randu’s honey is appropriate for people who have no appetite. In contrast to honey of Mango, honey of Randu makes people love to eat. In fact, there are two essential reasons why honey of Mango is better for those who are on diet.

Generally, people is more common to Randu’s honey than Mango’s honey. You can find Randu’s honey easier in the store. Unlike Randu’s honey, honey of Mango can be found in the special honey stores. Actually, if you if you are on diet, you should decrease the consumption of Randu’s honey. It would usually boost your appetite and also makes people love to eat. That is why sometimes people called it as “Temulawak”. Therefore, Randu’s honey should be avoided for those who are on diet.

In contrast to Randu’s honey, Mango’s honey is suitable to consume for people who are on diet. It contains more fiber which is very useful for our digest system. It has less carbohydrate also. On the other hand, more antioxidants which can avoid free radicals can be found in the honey of Mango. Mango’s honey is suggested for people who are on diet.

In conclusion, honey of Mango is better for people who are on diet than honey of Randu because it contains more fiber and less carbohydrate. Besides, it also has

more antioxidants, a substance which as an agent to protect us from free radicals such as: Cl, CFC, etc. From those benefits we could conclude that honey of Mango is more appropriate for those who are on diet.

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